Adele Martini, The Communication Manager

08 February 2021

Today with Fedon People we take a look at what happens inside our Communications Dpt.
Adele Martini Communication Manager tells us a little about herself and her work.

What does your office do?

The communication department has the delicate role of making the company recognizable on the market and differentiating it from competitors by enhancing its values and features. A task that requires creativity and interpretative skills combined with strategy.

In fact, every action aimed at the market requires an adequate communication plan, able to transfer the right message to the right target.

What do you love most about your job?

I love the dynamism of this sector because it allows me to constantly explore new areas and find new solutions to reach the public; today more than ever, communication is fluid and constantly evolving and this allows me to face new challenges every day.

Does targeted and effective communication make the company grow?

Communication is an important element of the marketing mix because it transforms the strategy into a clear and strong message directed to the target. Only by communicating we are able to tell about our work and leave a mark in the minds of our customers so that they can choose us instead of another company at the time of purchase.

Packaging, including eyewear case, plays a fundamental role in the purchase process because it is the extension of the values and quality of the product.

For this reason, at Fedon, communication is so important because the eyewear case is communication.


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