Giulia Dorigo, Digital Strategist

06 June 2022

The role of marketing and corporate communication is fundamental to acquire information from the market and then re-elaborate them by creating successful competitive strategies. Today Giulia Dorigo, Digital Strategist, reveals what lies behind a good communication.

What do you do at Fedon?

At Fedon I deal with digital communication, an area that is always growing and constantly changing, especially in the last two years of the pandemic where the possibilities of meeting personally have been very limited.

From the creation of the social media editorial plan to the upate of the website news section and the creation of landing pages and newsletters, the goal is to always create new contents to attract the attention of opticians or eyewear manufacturers, depending on the target.

An activity that requires good creative and relational skills because each content contains the work of different business areas with which I have to relate to in order to create a quality "piece".

The secret of a good communication?

The communication office is the bridge that link the company to the clients and the rest of the world, for this reason it is essential to know how to transmit values, products and services in the correct way, through the most suitable channel, choosing the right tone of voice and the most appropriate timing.

At Fedon we address two main targets: optical shops and eyewear manufacturers. The needs of both are very specific, this is why it is necessary to constantly stay up to date to be able to understand and respond promptly and in a targeted manner.

The aim of all the work is to generate awareness, reach new customers and loyalize the existing ones.

What do you love about your job?

I like to experience many business dynamics, playing a middle role between the company and the outside world. I deal with different company areas, always finding new ways and strategies to reach the public in a clear and direct way.

To do this job you need to be creative and open to change, it is a fast-moving sector that requires you to keep up with the times.


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Fedon creations?

We draw inspiration by the most beautiful ideas and turn them into reality, creating accessories that communicate with emotion.

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